At we believe that great education is the key to success at any workshop. CNC programmers and operators need to be well prepared before starting to handle expensive and sometimes dangerous machines. It is why we have created the CNC Academy. Here we are collecting all tutorials, hints, tips, and tricks you find on our site in one place. Our virtual teacher Tom will hold e-learning classes on different topics and whether you are at a school, a university, a workshop, or a hobbyist at home, you will find something new to learn here. The CNC Academy is going to grow over time. Make sure you pay a visit now and then to get the latest.


A short note about updates:
We are constantly improving the program by releasing updates with new functionality and improved performance. Sometimes the look of things change. For example, the machine selector dialog does not look like it did originally, settings have been added, and new menu functions. Be prepared that everything in the classes and tutorials does not look exactly like in the current version, but the main functions are the same. If you have questions about these changes, let us know and we will try to clarify.

Classes with Tom

Interactive e-learning classes with
teacher Tom.