We have uploaded a new version that fixes the problems some users with ATI/AMD cards had. If you are affected by these issues, uninstall your current version and update to version or later.
Monthly Archives: November 2015
Important information regarding ATI/AMD Graphics cards
Notice regarding ATI/AMD Graphics cards. There is a problem with the compatibility with some of these cards making the milling machines invisible and causing other graphic issues. We are working on a solution to this and will hopefully have a new download ready soon. If you are affected by this issue, please contact support and we will let you know as soon as we have a fix ready.
Expiring versions
Important notice to users of the free version.
Version of the simulator will expire on Monday, November 23, 2015.
All versions prior to will expire on Monday, November 16, 2015.
Download and upgrade your version today to avoid interruptions.
Platinum Edition users can continue to run old versions but we encourage everyone to update to the latest one.